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生搾り青汁の常若の恵®に代表される国内産に拘った健康維持の為の健康飲料・健康食品・サプリメントの製造販売、現実的な財務四表のUpdateやスタートアップ総合支援・事業継承問題・事業効率化・事業再構築・ターンアラウンドなどの悩みにとことん寄り添う伴走型経営支援を行うコンサルティング■官民ファンドREVICのディレクターを経てエグゼクティブプロデューサー後コンサルティング部門設立。年商10~300億円企業の企業・事業再生案件多数経験☆企業再生・事業再生のプロジェクト組成、パートナー型経営支援ハンズオン、及びフィナンシャルスキーム ☆企業再生・事業再生企業のレーティング、業務組織改善、及び業務組織改革 ☆企業再生・事業再生の基本編、中級編、及び上級編研修

Shopping Guide

Shopping with Magokoro

1.Select the item you wish to purchase

When you have decided which item you wish to purchase, please click the “add to cart” button. It will then be added to you cart.

2.Purchase procedure; go to checkout

Click the “continue to checkout” button at the top right of your screen. The contents of your cart will then be displayed.

3.Purchase procedure; payment

Review your cart: then follow the instructions and enter your information, address and payment method.

4.Confirmation Email

Then you will receive an email with your purchase details.


Payment Method

We accept 13 different types of credit card

クロネコwebコレクト クレジットカード払い

COD (Cash On Delivery)

If your order total is over 5000 yen excluding tax then the cash on delivery fee is waived.
If the order is under 5000 yen excluding tax then the charge is 600 yen, cash on delivery.

Web Banking

クロネコwebコレクト ネットバンク払い

Pay Pal


PayPal お問い合わせフォーム

Bank transfer

Bank :  Hiroshima Bank

Branch :   South Koyo (202)

Account type:  Checking Account (Regular)

Account Number:  3136070

Account Holder:  Magokoro Co.,Ltd (Director and CEO Tatsuya Okamura)

Bank :  Hiroshima Shinkin Bank

Branch :  Koyo (037)

Account type: Checking Account (Regular)

Account number :  0356357

Account Holder:  Magokoro Co.,Ltd (Director and CEO Tatsuya Okamura)

Postal transfer

Account holder:  Magokoro Co.,Ltd

Branch name:   518 Branch (518)

Deposit Type:  Regular Deposit

Account code:   15170

Account number:   5751322

Electronic Payment

クロネコwebコレクト 電子マネー払い

Convenience Store Payment

クロネコwebコレクト コンビニ(オンライン)払い

Shipping Costs

By Courier

All orders of 5000 yen or more (including tax) qualify for FREE shipping nationwide.
A delivery charge of 500 yen will be added to all orders under 5000 yen (including tax)

Delivery Information

Deliveries will be made approximately 1 week after purchase, excluding some remote areas such as hard to reach islands. Extra time may be required for weekends and Japanese national holidays.

Returns and Exchanges

We will accept returns and exchanges for unopened and unused products within 7 days of delivery. In the case of a broken or defective product all shipping fees will be covered by the company. Please provide notice of a problem by telephone or email .  In the case of a returned or exchanged item that isn’t broken or defective the customer holds responsibility for refund and shipping costs. In the following cases refunds/returns are not eligible. Opened or used items. Other than in special circumstances, 8 days have passed since delivery.


Please contact us if you have any questions.

By telephone

Tel No. 082-841-3009

Reception hours: 10:00 – 19:00 throughout the year

By E-mail

Click here for a contact form We will receive emails 24 hours a day, but please understand on Saturdays and Sundays, national holidays and after 19:00 on weekdays the reply may be delayed.

Please check your email rejection setting.


【FAX number】 082-841-3373

Please be careful to include your contact information. The fax line is available 24 hours a day but understand that the reply may be delayed depending on the date and time of your inquiry.